What pisses me off

It takes some time before I get upset here at HommeMystere. ?I’m one of those people with a very long fuse but an explosive temper. ?As such, not much really affects me or really gets me angry. ?But when it does, lookout!

Except when I see our garments advertised for sale somewhere other than here at hommemystere.com or with one of our stockists. ?Why should I care I hear you ask? ?Simply because I can control the quality of the garments we have in the market place.

As most of you would understand, starting a business and building a brand is a bit of a task – especially in an area such as men’s lingerie! ?So when someone pops up out of the blue and appears to be selling the same garments, it’s not only a surprise, it’s disappointing. ?Because I don’t know what the quality of those goods might be.

Sometimes, because I’m a nice bloke, I send out early samples to customers to give us some feedback. ?These samples are not the finished product and do not have the same quality control as our main production runs. ?So it would be a misrepresentation of our brand if someone was to on-sell that product as one of our final garments only to have the buyer receive an inferior product.

So I would suggest that unless you purchase our garments through one of our stockists, one of our other approved retailers or via this site, you may not be receiving the quality you expect.

Buyer beware!

The moment new lingerie arrives

Most men and women would agree there are few times more exciting than the anticipation of opening up a gift or surprise present. ?Whether it’s apparel, electronics or a gift card, the moment you look at the item, you are immediately weighing up if it meets your preconceived expectations.

It’s the same with us and our lingerie. ?We can plan, size and choose the colours of the lingerie we want to make but until the samples arrive we’re just hoping the idea in our head translates to something just as good when completed.

Thankfully, our first samples are looking good and exceed our expectations. ?Can’t wait to see how the others turn out!

Just a hint of a couple of samples we plan to release soon.
Just a hint of a couple of samples we plan to release soon.

Once we have everything confirmed we will be organising the photo shoot.