Guy’s in Lingerie Stores – Ten Commandments

  1. Thou shall psych oneself up prior to walking into the store by carefully considering a plan of attack. ?This means not lingering for a period of time that is likely to draw suspicious glances from staff.
  2. Though shall have a cover story in place that suggests thou is purchasing for wife/girlfriend/mistress as a surprise present.
  3. Though shall pretend to be far less knowledgeable about sizing and fabrics to the staff to ensure thou appears as a stereotypical dumb male buying lingerie.
  4. Thou shall tell staff the wife/girlfriend/mistress is a size ‘X’ and under no circumstances say ‘she’s about my size’. ?This clearly gives the staff member reason to believe thou is buying for oneself.
  5. Thou shall only purchase underwear with a wide gusset. ?Bare minimum of 4 inches or 10cm. ?This will avoid splitting oneself in two, having one testicle in confinement and one on the loose or raising your voice by 6 octaves.
  6. Thou shall keep well clear of thongs and G Strings as they generally only have 1.2 square inches of fabric in the front. ?Refer point 5.
  7. Though shall stick with stretch fabrics only, despite being hypnotically drawn towards bright shiny satins and polyesters. ?Snap out of it. ?We both know they are not going to work.
  8. Thou shall not indulge in fantasies of the store assistants ‘helping you’ with your lingerie in the change room. ?Make the purchase and escape!
  9. Thou shall take advantage of Valentine’s and Christmas periods to stock up on lingerie in vast amounts when it is less suspicious you are buying for oneself.
  10. Every few years you will feel you must purge all your lingerie from your house/shed/work hiding place because ‘enough is enough’! ?Then you will go out and do it all again.


Happy Birthday to Us!

Hard to believe it’s been five years since the beginning of HommeMystere. ?Many people say they would love to start their own business in something they are truly interested in but most won’t. ?How many times in the past have you gathered with friends and one of you has said ‘that would be a great invention’ or ‘we should start a business doing that’!

I’m guessing quite a few. ?Taking the leap from idea to actually doing something is a little more challenging. ?As we discovered here at HommeMystere. ?What began as ‘we should make a few pairs of lingerie style undies’ has resulted in something bigger than we ever thought would happen.

So for our fifth birthday, we have been searching for a few pics of old favourites.

Our first production run.
Taboo White – Our first bulk production

The Taboo was our first bulk production. ?Though the volume was tiny compared to what we do now! ?It was made locally in Australia with one way stretch satin and came in a thong, scrunchy, brazilian cut and boyshort.

Taboo Boyshort back led to quite a few emails!
Taboo Boyshort back led to quite a few emails!

The little hole in the back of the Taboo Boyshort meant we received many emails with some asking if it was ‘for a tail’. ?Not sure about that…

Scrunchy Back was a popular style
Scrunchy Back was a popular style

The Scrunchy style back was also popular and started a trend where we had our visitors and customers vetting our designs prior to production.

This was a great style
The Passion High Cut Brief

Australian made Passion Brief and bra (bra not shown) was popular too. ?It had a sheer back and lined pouch with broad lace sides. ?Super comfortable and bargain priced at the time.

Whisper underwire bra was made for a very short time
Whisper underwire bra was made for a very short time

The Whisper underwire bra was beautifully made by a local seamstress using the best materials. ?Even though it was loved by our customers, the cost to produce it meant it was out of reach for many of our customers. There really wasn’t any point manufacturing lingerie for guys that no one could reasonable afford so we began looking overseas for suppliers.

That’s when we started with the China Doll and Rose. ?These styles have been replenished twice due to their popularity.

China Doll set was the first we produced overseas
China Doll set was the first we produced overseas


Rose was the second overseas produced style
Rose was the second overseas produced style

Since then we have progressed to even more styles and plan to introduce more new garments over the next 12 months. ?We’d even love to do some sleepwear though early trials of our super slippery nightshirt weren’t popular. ?Not sure why.

Our trial version of the nightshirt wasn't as popular as hoped!
Our trial version of the nightshirt wasn’t as popular as hoped!

Even though the designer lurrrrrves this nightshirt with matching brief below-

Silky brief!
Silky brief!

We may try some more sleepwear soon! ?In the meantime, our Retro Gold set should be available by June 20 2014. ?I hope everyone loves it!

Retro Gold is our Very High Cut brief and matching bra.
Retro Gold is our Very High Cut brief and matching bra.