We’ve been remarkably fortunate to receive quite a bit of media coverage over the past couple of years. ?For many customers and visitors, it’s as if HommeMystere has just arrived on the scene and we’re an overnight sensation! ?Nothing could be further from the truth. ?It’s taken a lot of hard work, money, faith and above all else, passion.
Until you actually begin doing something you really really love and have had an interest in for what seems like forever, you never quite understand what ‘passion’ for your work means. ?You can like your job, or even love your job! ?But does it keep you awake at night? ?Are you constantly thinking of what you can do better? ?How you can improve something? ?Does it consume you? ?That’s what HommeMystere is all about for us.
So when the media comes along, it’s as much an experience for us as I’m sure it is for the agency or reporter. ?Two recent articles from Fusion and Mic.com highlighted a few points for us. ?Firstly, there is still the focus on the sexuality of the guy that likes lingerie. ?Is he gay? ?He must be. ?Or he must be bi at least! ?There is always an interest in that area.
But something else is happening. ?There is more of an acceptance that lingerie exists. ?There’s an acknowledgement that some guys like briefs with a bit of lace or want to wear a bra or sleep in a soft one piece teddy. ?And guess what! ?Like girls, some guys can look pretty damn good in a thong!

It’s also enlightening to receive feedback from customers. ?We knew there were plenty of guys that hid their lingerie habits but we were pleasantly surprised to hear how many shopped with their partners too!
Men’s lingerie is harmless fun enjoyed for a variety of reasons. ?But only those of us with the lingerie addiction know just how passionate guys can be about lingerie….It’s a cycle of indulgence,?enjoyment, guilt, purge and acceptance.
There’s nothing better…except perhaps sharing lingerie..