The Language of Lingerie

Location, language, social status, occupation. ?None of these points have any influence on guys and their love of lingerie. ?This week, we sent stock to a store in Sweden. ?Justine & Juliette have selected a range of HommeMystere lingerie for their store to meet the needs of their customers. ?And that has us thinking…

How do guys in countries where English isn’t their first language, go about finding quality lingerie for themselves? ?No doubt they follow the same path as most guys and pick up something at department stores, perhaps buy their ‘wife’ something nice for her birthday (telling the sales staff “she’s about my size….”)

But what about options to buy something like HommeMystere? ?Sure, we sell to many non English countries. ?Several countries in Europe, the Middle East, South America and Asia have all received orders from us. ?But unless these countries have similar companies to ours, what are the options? ?Either they work their way through our store using translation software (we have added Google Translator to HommeMystere) or they go without. ?It seems that unless you speak, read and generally understand the English language, you’re pretty much ignored.

So we believe one way to allow guys around the world to have access to our lingerie is to stock stores in several countries. ?While Sweden is our first European country, we are looking into other regions with the goal to have a presence in various foreign countries.

It will be fun to see what we can do. ?Watch this space.

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