Look, a man in lace – The sky is falling!

Whoa! When mangerie goes viral it really does go crazy.

We shouldn’t be surprised I guess.  Stories like this surface from time to time and the response borders on hysteria from some areas.  Though it’s not everyday the son of the United States President helps us out with a disapproving tweet!  Hopefully we’ll still be allowed to visit again as I think we left some money in Vegas last trip and I’d like to have it back thanks.

The funny thing is, lingerie wearing guys are generally pretty good at hiding their love of lingerie.  So the guy laughing with you could be perusing our store in the next few days trying to decide which garment to purchase.  (Nikita or Annabelle sets for comfort only, Lara for getting wicked in the bedroom, Carmen for sleeping and Katie Romper or any of our thongs and Vanessa mini skirt for getting in the mood…fast!

And it’s not all about the bras.  Our critics endlessly ask ‘but why the bra’ and the answer is simply because some of our customers love the feeling it gives them.  Some guys only love our briefs and are not into the bras at all.  Some like the lingerie because they love the one piece fit and feel.  It’s a personal choice.  Wives and girlfriends tend to buy their partners briefs or thongs as gifts with Valentines Day now only second to the Cyber Monday sale in terms of volume.

Seriously, just because one person doesn’t agree with another persons choice in wardrobe/hairstyle/sexual preference/political persuasion/religion doesn’t make one or the other right or wrong.  It doesn’t make one person better than the other.

Fortunately, we have thick skins here at HommeMystere (covered in super lightweight sexy lingerie) and we will move on.  To the next design..

New releases arriving next week.  Join over 5,000 other subscribers to find out how you can purchase our new releases at great prices.  Click and scroll down here.


2 Replies to “Look, a man in lace – The sky is falling!”

  1. I saw this article on fb and read it. I was mostly interested in the comments pertaining to this style of clothing. What’s the big deal to these people? Wear what you want to wear and I’ll do the same. Why all the name calling and just rude comments? It’s no ones business what I wear but me. Besides these people probably know someone who wears this style of underwear and don’t even know it and would be stunned to find out. I wonder what they would say then? You can’t be my friend, son, father brother etc. anymore because I don’t like your clothes? How childish!

  2. I concur with Steve. It’s no one’s business what a person wears. Except for that person. I,my son and grandson all wear. I am a lawyer. My son is a cop,and my grandson plays football for the local college We all wear 24/7

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